True Grid a virtual sculpture

March 22nd – June 14th 2020

A piece of art, a piece of meat, no kiss on the cheek.
Of course, and as for everybody else, it was all supposed to be different.

What was meant as a physical storage strangely turned into a metaphor for the social situation happening to all of us these days. While the artists themselves were not able to physically join us under the circumstances, their pieces did find a way – or many – to do so and gathered in a time when humans could not.

From Sunday 22nd of March till Sunday 14th of June 2020, we were posting one piece of the structure on Instagram every day. The structure kept evolving as did the nature of its content in these ever-changing times.

check out the corresponding videos here

Curated by Ilona Stutz.
Image material by Ilona Stutz.

Bam! It’s over. From 22nd March till 14th June, 83 artists have been contributing their pieces to the grid. It has been quite a journey. What started off as a storage to say hi to our space turned into a virtual structure of unknown dimensions. Some people have been wondering if the physical space exists at all. We are happy to inform you that it does and in the vein of the last piece we would love to welcome you there soon. But before we do, we would like to give a quick nod towards all the artists who contributed to the grid: Thank you so much for making it happen! For finding uncountable ways of submitting your works to us in these strange times. We love your spirit! Keep gridding it <3 #unanimousconsent #truegrid
Nusser Glazova, The Welcoming Cake, 2020 #nusserglazova #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Nicolas Rothenbühler, 176‘303‘153, 2020 #nicolasrothenbühler #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Julia Znoj, lock glass, 2020 #juliaznoj #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #seltisolation
Ruven Stettler, lange gehängt und nun abgelegen/ the sun setting against the horizon makes cairo seem magnificent, 2019/2020 #ruvenstettler #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Raphael Stucky, Licking, 2018 #raphaelstucky #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Annija Grosa, Summer night after sauna, 2015 Annija Grosa, Neighbors, 2019 #annijagrosa #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jonathan Steiger, Biotech, 2020 #jonathansteiger #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jeronim Horvat, Future Beach Survival Chain, 2018 #jeronimhorvat #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Janes Haid-Schmallenberg, Blauer Vogel, 2019 #janeshaidschmallenberg #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Liga Spunde, The Hole In the Heart, 2020 #līgaspunde #ligaspunde #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Mäschi, "My very first token economy“ (How mom learned that I only submit to a certain kind of system — a rewarding one), 1996 Mäschi, "My very first sketch of graffiti“ (How I learned about the correlation between the innumerable repetition of a simple task and the improvement of skills as a direct consequence of doing so), 2001 #mäschi #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Angi Nend, Hydra's Head [is], 2020 #anginend #allreal #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Florian Dombois, Ein Windhauch, 2020 #floriandombois #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Anne-Laure Franchette, Swiss Hill of Singapore, 2018 #annelaurefranchette #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Anna Herms, Gli Anelli, 2018 #annaherms #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
André Simonow, Philipp König im Atelier, 2018 #andrésimonow #andresimonow #philippkönig #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Cathrin Jarema, “Implied Score #1”, 2019/2020 #cathrinjarema #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Elina Meksa, Spaceship4Juris, 2019 #elinameksa #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Philip Ullrich, On: PEER/SPECTIVE, 2016 #philipullrich #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Roberts John-Michelle Thick, The dreamer, 2020 #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jürgen Baumann, Hahahaususus, 2019 #jürgenbaumann #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Martina Mächler, from a lexicon of gestures (to ask whether it’s time), 2019 #martinamächler #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Roman Selim Khereddine, Die Rennpferde des kleinsten Mannes, 2020 #romanselimkhereddine #cousboy #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Fid. Fischer, Fateful Destiny III, 2020 #fidschifischer #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jan Hofer, Gschwür Transport, 2020 #janhofer #therealjanhofer #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Sarah Jacky, 'O moon', 'O sea', 'O love', 2019 #sarahjacky #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
David Knuckey, Untitled, 2020 #davidknuckey #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Philipp König, No Foolery, 2020 #philippkönig #philking77 #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Nico Sebastian Meyer, In Use Essences, 2020 #nicosebastianmeyer #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Maya Lama, Pale blue dot revisited ll, 2020 #mayalama #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Michael Etzensperger, Connected, 2020 #michaeletzensperger #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Anne Fellner, After Fragonard, 2020 #annefellner #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Lucas Herzig, the Show, 1/3, 2020 #lucasherzig #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Magdalena Baranya, Wenn du träumst, dass du träumst, 2020 #magdalenabaranya #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Michaël Reinhold, PRADA HERO, 2019 #michaelreinhold #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Maximilian Kirmse, M.T., 2016 #maximiliankirmse #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jiajia Zhang, Dailies, 2015 #jiajiazhang #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Claudia Kübler, Re.RE, 2020 #claudiakübler #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Bernhard Hegglin, Folge 4, 2020 #bernhardhegglin #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Vipera&Haas, Mutanta, 2013 #zoravipera #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Vela Arbutina, Die Entwicklung entwickelt sich in die richtige Richtung, Bundesrat, 29.04.2020, 2020 #velaarbutina #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Silvan Hillmann, From: „Das Problem des institutionellen Charakters kleiner Elefanten“, 2013-2018 #silvanhillmann #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Fhunyue Gao, Loop, 2019 #fhungao #fhunyuegao #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Julian Zehnder, cats, 2019 #julianzehnder #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Cassidy Toner, Untitled, 2019 #cassidytoner #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
{F_x Office}, Glider, 2020 #f_xoffice #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Boris Siebs, D.K. 25.2.–16.5.2020, 2020 #borissiebs #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Jonas Etter, Trophy I, 2020 #jonasetter #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Pascal Sidler, oT (Küche) 2, oT (Küche) 1, oT (Küche) 3, 2018 #pascalsidler #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Lea Meier, Iglewww, 2020 #leameier #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Brigham Baker, Pumpkin, 2019 #brighambaker #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Andreas Waldmeier, digital memory, 2020 #andreaswaldmeier #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Thomas Moor, Аква Минералe, 2019 #thomasmoor #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Effi & Amir, RoWaR, 2008 #effiandamir #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Elza Sile, Animal farm: deletion, unit 1,2&3/ca. 1.1872m3 shelf, 2020 #elzasile #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Flavia Senn, bitter & twisted, 2016 #flaviasenn #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Michael Bodenmann, she told me that it’s still ok to smoke in heaven., 2020 #michaelbodenmann #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Bertold Stallmach, Das Prinzip der zweckmässig assoziierten Gewohnheiten (auf USB), 2019 #bertoldstallmach #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Asia Dellanoce, Help! I’m in a pickle, 2019 #asiadellanoce #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Ardil Yalinkilic, Secret No: 1 (sketch), 2016 #ardilyalinkilic #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Philipp Schwalb, Light inversion of the goods cover T.O. seven supporting sides of a small group and its dynamics: Colour and image, text and sound, social issues and research, environment in private and in general, all in all, all in one and nothing on nothing. Thank you aethaleif / convention together. Please join!?$, 2020 #philippschwalb #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Johanna Kotlaris, GAZE, 2020 full album on #johannakotlaris #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Dominic Michel, Mob Mob Mob Mob Mob, 2019 #dominicmichel #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Barbara Signer, A certain place in Tokyo One hundred years of confusion, 2020 #barbarasigner #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Denis Twerenbold, do not stare into beam, 2020 #denistwerenbold #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Vinzenz Meyner, Modell für ein chinesisches Zimmer (II), 2020 #vinzenzmeyner #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Tim Wandelt, flamingo, 2019 #foundandfixed #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Angela Baumgartner, Untitled Sword (Sketch), 2020 #angelabaumgartner #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Hannes Zulauf, untitled, 2019 #hanneszulauf #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Clifford E. Bruckmann, penpals at the coffeehouse (a sculpture in honor of r.), 2020 #cliffordebruckmann #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Yamu Wang, Dice Piece, 2019 #yamuwang #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Valentina Pini, Comme une pamplemousse sous la langue, 2018 #valentinapini #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Simon Risi, 2332800, 2020 #simonrisi #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Benedikt Stäubli, schellenstrick, 2020 #benediktstäubli #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Basile Dinbergs, Sans titre (chut!), 2020 #basiledinbergs #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation , +, 2020 #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Adrian Schär, Support and Relief, 2020 #adrianschär #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Marilou Bal, untitled, 2018 #mariloubal #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Alina Kopytsa, Extension of the body, 2016 #alinakopytsa #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Kevin Aeschbacher, untitled, 2019 #kevinaeschbacher #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Marco Luedi, Olympic Floor, 26/33, 2019 #sport #sportdesign #official #pro #rio2016 #keeptheflameburningtill #tokyo2021 #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
In Jung, It was a long way and i am here, 1-2/10, 2020 #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
Josse Bailly, Broken piece, 2020 #jossebailly #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation
For further information, please visit 👉🏻〰️❤️ #unanimousconsent #artistrelieffund #selfisolation